About Us
Renee & David found the summer of 2014 their dream place almost in the middle of the Bohuslän island Orust. When Renee previously worked as an arranger on the island and then become completely in love with Orusts cliffs and sea , as well as in its open fields and lush forest, she had since been looking for a home on the beloved island. When David then not only fell in love with the island but also in Renee everything fell into place and the dream became true.

The address for this typical turn of the century farm you will find between Henån and Tegneby and called Lilla Röra. Today there is weekly rental of holiday accommodation in beautiful newly renovated apartments , flea market in the grand barn and B & B with freshly baked sourdough bread on the breakfast menu. In the future they hope to also be able to create cultural events and David's hope is also to open a small farm shop.
A warm welcome for you to come stay and visit Lilla Röran!
Love Renée & David